PRIMER 电竞游戏鼠标

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Please try the following steps in order:

1. RESET PRIME to Default
Move your mouse to the top-right corner of XPG PRIME. Hover over “Hi, Guest ” to reveal the “Reset” function. Click the Reset button to reset PRIME software to default settings.

2. RESET keyboard or mouse to Default
Keyboard: Hold FN + ESC for 5 seconds.
Slingshot Mouse: Hold Forward Button + Backward Button + DPI Button for 5 seconds.

3. Enter Settings menu and check both product firmware and PRIME versions. If either firmware is not the latest available version, please UPDATE to the latest version. 

4. If the problem remains, please Contact us and provide the following information: 
Product Firmware and PRIME versions.
Photos/Videos of the problem.
How to reproduce the problem (scenario or steps). 


XPG PRIMER 是为了想要一款具备所有功能之鼠标的休闲玩家,以及第一次接触鼠标的人而设计的。 这是为惯用右手所雕刻的曲线及造型,无论手型大小和任何握法都很容易适应,按钮上的凸起设计可帮助立即找到按键最佳弧度,实现快速准确的点击。


XPG PRIMER 有3种RGB灯效,预设灯效为流动光,如果RGB灯效关闭,可以按RGB切换钮并检查或更换灯效设置。

XPG PRIMER具有6段 DPI,预设DPI为800,只要使用滚轮下方的DPI按钮就可以直接切换,灯光闪烁3次表示已完成切换

XPG PRIMER设有250Hz(蓝色)/500Hz(绿色)/1000Hz(红色)共3段回报率,只要同时按住滚轮和鼠标右键3秒,灯光闪烁表示已完成切换。